Heal, Succeed and Thrive
in College and Beyond

Mental Health Intensive Outpatient Treatment and Recovery Support for College Students

We are in-network with most insurance plans and offer flexible insurance-paid treatment solutions.

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How We Help

We provide clinical outpatient treatment programs to young adults on a college track with mental health and substance use disorders. Our Intensive Outpatient Programs use both use evidence-based practices and peer-based support to help students heal and ultimately thrive in school and life. We believe college students deserve mental health treatment options that work with their collegiate lifestyle.  

student needs mental health help

Mental Health Treatment for College Students

Students in need of support can choose from our in-person and virtual Intensive Outpatient Programs for mental health or substance use treatment, available to all young adults in California on a college track. Developed in partnership with students, universities and clinical experts, these programs make it possible for students to work through their challenges while staying in school, so they can thrive through graduation and beyond.

mental health

Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment for College Students

We’re here to help.
Call us anytime.

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