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Aly Ries Unsung Hero Award
Former Haven at Drexel employee, Aly Ries, received an “Unsung Hero” award for her work during her tenure with the Haven at last weeks Caron – Philadelphia Community Awards Breakfast. Bob Ackley, Program and Outreach Director for The Haven at Drexel said Aly’s remarkable effectiveness in supporting people with substance use disorders is rooted in her gratitude, humility and passion for service
During Aly’s tenure with The Haven at College, she facilitated and fostered a culture of hope, safety, and support not only at Drexel, but in the larger Philadelphia community. As House Manager, Aly was a tireless cheerleader for college students struggling with substance use issues, and her open-minded, open-hearted acceptance of young people from all walks of life helped to create a robust collegiate recovery community that continues to thrive in Philadelphia.
Aly’s effectiveness as an employee and leader came from her recovery-grounded values and a genuine love for college students struggling with Substance Use Disorder. She had a reputation among our students for always making time to listen, and her encouraging words and humbly offered solutions were sound guidance for young adults in college.
Today, Aly is with another amazing organization supporting recovery in a different role but with the same attributes and passion. She stays connected with The Haven and still offers solutions to our staff and students. It’s a tribal thing…
Unsung heroes are typically “unsung” because they do what they do with a spirit of humility, service and love. As a result, they don’t seek recognition, awards or statues. This is why we at the Haven are taking it upon ourselves to tell the secret of The Incredible Aly Ries.